Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


September 23, 2009


September 22, 2009

Sometime the year before last after seeing another friends Mk1 freshly bike carb’d up i decided i needed one in my life, it was coming upto summer (well the time that people expect to be summer but rarely actually is) I made a desicion to buy a Cabriolet, engine size wasnt important… my 172 was still in my eyes the greatest and fastest car to gace this planet and it was just going to be a second car.

Before the week was out, spur of the moment buy or what!

A D-reg 1.6 gti Quartet Cabriolet, Cant quite remember the milage, 120k or something but the engine was sound-ish, Used to piss out coolant every now n then but well what can you expect. Tax & Mot cost me £1200 and had some glorious red brake calipers (no i did not do this (yes i know i usually do)).Few mods here and there.

But alas the father anounced he wanted the garage back so off she went to a new home.

I later found out that it was infact a cat B write off and should never have been on the road, although the car its self  seemed to be sound, i can only assume it was a stolen identity or something. Mysterious non the less.


Saw this in a body shop that was closing down in cambs, no idea what its story was or anything no idea what happened to it .

Back on track.

In July this year i decided it was time to get another golf and sort out a workshop to do things properly after months of searching and months of me chewing my partner at the times ear off about various golf realted things we finally decided on this little one.

Hello world!

September 22, 2009

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